Lynne Simon

Lynne has been with Remy Bumppo since 2023.


Lynne Simon (she/her) is a retired Clinical Psychologist who is a longtime resident of and practiced in Evanston. She and her late husband George, a former Remy Bumppo Board Member, have always been passionate about seeing and supporting theater. Lynne grew up in New England and received her Masters and PhD from the New School in New York City. She and her husband moved to Evanston in 1981and raised their two sons here. Lynne worked in community mental health, and later in private practice, with an emphasis on treating serious mental illness and trauma. She was a former Board Member of Housing Options for the Mentally Ill in Evanston (now Impact Behavioral Health Partners), and continues her involvement as a longtime member of its Service Delivery Committee. Lynne and George pursued their interest in theater after retiring, by coordinating a class in Chicago theater play reading and attending at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute associated with Northwestern University. They have always been very impressed with Remy Bumppo’s thoughtful and relevant play productions and Lynne welcomes this opportunity to support its mission.

Administrative Office

3759 N. Ravenswood Avenue
Suite 124
Chicago, IL 60613

Performance Venue

Theater Wit
1229 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60657
Box Office: 773.975.8150

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